Edmagineering Education Conference
In today’s My Disney Class Podcast episode, Howie and Ryan welcome an old friend and a brand new friend to the show. Brian Collins is a former Imagineer who has worked with Ryan and Howie for almost eight years now and the three are uniting forces with an incredible educator named Erin King. Erin was on My Disney Class Podcast last year and she talked all about her passion for education and how she built a highly successful conference for teachers called The Happy Teacher Conference. Over the last year, Erin, Brian, Howie, and Ryan have been working behind the scenes to take the best parts of Erin’s The Happy Teacher Conference and the best parts of P.D. Magic and create a super boutique conference that is personalized for a wide variety of educators from all over the globe. This conference is now known as The Edmagineering Education Conference!
On today’s show, the group will discuss why we thought this partnership was a great idea and what our goals are in creating this new experience for educators. We will also discuss what the four-day event will entail and what we hope educators will get out of this highly immersive experience. We also may talk a little bit about the magic that is sure to happen when you combine educators, the world of education, and the most magical place in the world! We will also talk about ways to approach your administration about paying for and supporting your learning experience at the Edmagineering Education Conference and offer our support as needed.
We hope you enjoyed our announcement about our newest offering and hope you are just as excited as we are about attending The Edmagineering Education Conference, in Orlando from June 19th through June 22nd, as we are! Don’t forget, if you haven’t already, to join the fun and supportive community we have in our Facebook group, Educators who love Disney. Don’t forget to rate and review our podcast on Apple music. Your support and feedback will only make us better!