Best Educational Experiences At WDW
In today's My Disney Class Podcast episode, Howie and Ryan discuss some of their favorite educational attractions at Walt Disney World. Most people when they think of Disney, think of a place that is just for fun but it also has many attractions and programs that are geared toward learning about other cultures, the arts, and the environment. Not to mention that a lot of parents wonder if taking their kids out of school for a Disney World vacation is a good idea. You can save a ton of money if you visit WDW when school is in session but are the savings worth the time and work missed in school?
On today's show, Ryan and Howie will help tackle the question of whether or not you can find educational value in a trip to Walt Disney World. They will discuss several educational attractions and places you can visit that definitely have a solid foundation in all sorts of history, arts, communication, technology, etc. They will show that with some preparation and solid planning, you can easily justify the educational quality of a Disney World vacation primarily because Walt Disney valued children and especially their education and the company carries on that tradition.
We hope you enjoyed our discussion about educational attractions and things to do on your next Walt Disney World vacation. Like we always say, on every trip to WDW you will learn and find something new. Don't forget, if you haven't already, to join the fun and supportive community we have in our Facebook group, Educators who love Disney. Don't forget to rate and review our podcast on Apple music. Your support and feedback will only make us better!