In today’s episode of My Disney Class Podcast, Ryan and Howie are dreaming of those lazy summer days just around the corner but with that comes the reality that school is not out yet. The last month of school can be really challenging for us educators and also for our students! In this episode, Howie and Ryan discuss activities, tips, and lessons learned that will hopefully help you tackle those last few weeks of school and leave you with enough energy to enjoy that well-deserved Disney vacation.
We all know that Disney has the ability to wow its guests and captivate customers for decades. Did you know that Disney’s return rate for visitors to its parks is around 70%, that’s incredible! Don’t you wish we could get 70% engagement and loyalty from our students, especially in the last few weeks of school? Well, in this episode, we will take a look at some of the things Disney does and try and see if we can apply those techniques to our classrooms to make those last few weeks of the school year just as engaging and enjoyable as the rest of the year.
We hope you enjoy today’s episode and we hope you know that the My Disney Class community is always here to help, so don’t hesitate to reach out. Whether you need help with a lesson plan or idea or you are just looking for someone to listen and support you, we are here. While Ryan and Howie will be the first ones to tell you they don’t have all the answers, they will definitely try to bring Magic to you in any way they can.
Thanks again to all our listeners and remember to leave feedback on iTunes / Apple Music and join our community of Disney-loving educators over on our Facebook page, Educators Who Love Disney.