Transitioning Magic To High School With Kevin Roughton.
In today’s My Disney Class Podcast episode, Ryan and Howie are excited to welcome back, Kevin Roughton. Kevin is a history teacher at Patriot high school in Jurupa California. He also is an educational speaker, and author of the book Teach With Magic. Use Disney Imagineering Techniques To Make Your Classroom The Most Engaging Place On Earth!
On the show today, Kevin talks to us about how he has been working to transition from the middle school classroom, which he had completely gamified and immersive for his middle school students, to the high school classroom. He shares what has worked for him so far with high school students and also shares things that haven’t worked as well. Kevin talks about how he now engages high school students with a unit-to-unit model of gamification and even shares some of his best lessons from this past year. This includes themed breakout rooms using the Stranger Things series and even teaching economics through the life of Walt Disney.
Kevin also shares with us a little bit about his book that we dove deeper into on his first appearance, which was the Season 6 episode 20 show. So if you want to hear more about his book and his study of Imagineers and how their work can transfer to education, check out that episode! We wrap up with Kevin discussing an educational conference he attends every year at Disneyland called the Courageous Creativity Conference.
We hope you enjoyed our episode today with the incredible Kevin Roughton and hope you check out all the great stuff he has in his book and on his webpage especially if you are looking to add a little bit or even a lot of gamification to your classroom.
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